a life of 'you shoulds'
For many of us, we’ve made decisions our whole lives that are influenced by everything outside of ourselves.
Living life on auto pilot.
Until one day you make space to really think about who you are and what you want.
Each day, make space for you.
For me, that means playing a Dean Martin record after the kids go to bed and sitting with myself.
I close my eyes and reflect on the life I’ve created, the plans I have for the week and the goals I’ve dreamt up.
I look deeper at the “why” behind each creation, plan and goal.
I ask myself- Is your “why” in alignment with you or is your “why” just what’s always been done?
Society & outside influences whisper so much that we fail to question.
Expectations about parenting, appearances, careers, presence and finances.
We fall into the black hole of doing what every one else does. And when we fall off track, we get into a tailspin of comparing ourselves to others, and, worse, beating ourselves up for not keeping up.
But sometimes the track we fell off wasn’t ours to be on in the first place.
Do you go to college because you want to gain more understanding about a certain subject? Or do you go because it’s normal and “the thing to do”?
Do you have children because of family expectations and the timeline says its supposed to happen? Or do you have children because you feel it’s right for you and you can’t wait to grow with them?
Do you exercise because society tells you to do cardio and rush to obtain a certain physique? Or do you exercise because you feel at peace and nourished when you move?
Does your job drain your energy but you stay because it’s financially stable? Or do you choose the job that’s gifts you growing inspiration and fulfillment each a day?
Take a moment to look at your schedule. To look at your goals. To look at who you make plans with. And really tune in to the motives behind what you make time for.
What are you doing out of guilt or expectation?
What are you doing because you “should”?
We are not meant to live a life of shoulds.
You are meant to create a life that’s in alignment with what makes you happy, at peace and inspired. Your workouts, your plans, your hobbies, your diet, your 5 year plan- should be true to you.
It’s scary how quick time passes while we’ve been stuck in the rollercoaster of chasing dreams that aren’t ours to dream up in the first place.
Demystify the purpose of life by knowing that the purpose of life is to enjoy creating a life that’s real to you.
Wishing you all the alignment,
Jaclyn Marie