A little note for the person who needs to hear this...

When we are in the daily hustle & bustle of our lives, we often begin to veer off track and live for our labels, not ourselves.

For me, the labels are mom, wife, nurse, writer.

I mold my to do lists, social media posts & planner schedule to reflect what I identify with. Without being consciously aware of it, I over-attach to each label and work tirelessly to check off all of my boxes. I feel anxious when my labels overlap each other and I feel I’m not “doing enough” for each of my identities.

I realized that this hamster wheel of chasing identities is exhausting.

And better yet, it’s all wrong.

You will save yourself a lot of rushing, anxiety and unattainable expectation when you let go of your labels. You can still be that mom, wife, nurse & writer, but you can make more space for those labels to overlap. to co-exist. to birth new identities. to let go of old identities. to just be.

You can wholeheartedly be all and none of your labels simultaneously.

You can live out your days being who you want to be in each and every moment- without expectation.

In this moment, I may be a writer, but tonight I will simply be a woman walking down the street after dinner listening to Ashe on my headphones at sunset.

Tomorrow I will be a nurse.

And in about five minutes when my daughter wakes up, I will be a mom.

It’s time to show up in every moment as you, in whatever form that takes.

Wishing you all the alignment,

Jaclyn Marie

Jaclyn Shea