Something I've been working on: hopping timelines
Teaching about authenticity, without being authentic myself, is my biggest block.
My hesitation to show up to the world as the real me is a paralyzing fear of what other people will think and the lack of confidence to push through those fears.
So my promise to you, is that I’m diving in full speed to change that narrative.
Let’s talk about overcoming what’s holding each of us back from our own potential by hopping timelines…
In life, we have “timelines”.
A timeline is a life projectory that you are on, based on your frequency in the present moment.
I discuss this concept often in my book Align- about how our internal frequency directly correlates to our physical reality.
In other words, our external reality is our “mirror” of the frequency we embodying.
If you feel unsettled and disconnected in your current reality, it’s time to take a look at your frequency.
In any given moment, you have the power to shift your frequency.
The good news is that our timelines are not set in stone- they are fluid, just as our frequency is fluid. (They go hand in hand.)
This means that we can change our narrative, change our frequency and change our timeline- for the better.
I call this “hopping timelines”.
It’s an upleveling, of sorts.
It’s letting go of negative habits and limiting illusions.
It’s letting go of areas of your life that keep you stuck.
It’s letting go of disempowering self-talk.
It’s choosing to nurture the aspects of your life that resonate with you.
It’s choosing to embody the person you truly are.
In doing so, you raise your frequency & can quite literally hop into a higher, more authentic timeline.
Wishing you all the alignment,
Jaclyn Marie