Who are you becoming?

It’s difficult to find your footing in this reality, when moments are passing by at record speed. We have our goals & how we envision our life to be, but it’s difficult to know our next move while we are on the rollercoaster…

…and one thing I’ve learned is that the rollercoaster doesn’t stop, we just learn how to find a little more calm and alignment while we’re on it.

The energy of this month harbors the perfect space to envision who you are becoming.

Who does she look like?

What does she act like?

How does she fill her time?

How does she speak?

With every step you take within your day, try to first check in with the vision of who you are becoming.

What would she choose to eat in this moment?

What would she choose to do in this moment?

How would she respond in this moment?

How would she nurture herself?

Would she take a moment for self care?

Would she take a break and go outside?

Would she take a breath before responding?

When you nurture and embody the most authentic version of you, you step into who you are becoming now.

You begin your transformation in this moment.

You embody that aligned version of you sooner than you ever could have dreamed.

Wishing you all the alignment,


Jaclyn Shea