The truth about alignment

finding true alignment can feel hard, messy, daunting.

but these feelings are temporary.

and the realest version of you is on the other side of your hesitation.

as you find alignment, there will be many times you think to yourself.:

there is so much I need to fix.

there is so much I need to heal.

there is so much I need to transmute.

there is so much I need to discern.

and you get overwhelmed.

and you don’t know where to begin.

and maybe you think it’d be easier to just go back to the simplicity of not knowing.

trust me, these moments will come, more times than you think.

but if you stay with yourself, sooner than you could imagine,

you will be living a life that feels real to you- with ease.

and you will feel so relieved that you gifted yourself the moments to realize it was possible.